Watch PSIS Semarang Video Streams (Legal & Legit Broadcasts)
Here we keep track of all upcoming matches for PSIS Semarang and where they are going to be shown through one or several official broadcasters.
You’ll be able to see every minute of the action with this comprehensive guide to watching PSIS Semarang matches. As we’re true supporters of the most watched game on the planet, we fully appreciate your need to be taking in all of the action in the most safe, secure way. And so, here we provide you with a list of official broadcasters to ensure that you have a portal into authorised, legal live streams of all PSIS Semarang games.
Live streams will appear here when matches are scheduled
Previous Games
TV Channels / Streaming:

⚽️ Team Focus:
PSIS Semarang
Formed: 1932
Stadium: Jatidiri Stadium (25,000)
Captain: Septian Maulana
Chairman: Yoyok Sukawi
Manager: Gilbert Agius
Competitions: Liga 1 position 14